
Material: Garnets are a group of silicate minerals.

Property’s: All species of garnets possess similar physical properties and crystal forms, but differ in chemical composition.

Color: Garnet species are found in every colour, with reddish shades most common. Blue garnets are the rarest.

Durability: 6.5–7.5Mohs. Depending on species but in general tough enough for most types of jewelry.

Origin; Russia and Namibia, in Kenya and Tanzania, India and Sri Lanka, Australia, the US, India and China.

Garnets are a group of Nesosilicate minerals that have been used since the Bronze Age as gemstones and abrasives. All species of garnets possess similar physical properties and crystal forms, but differ in chemical composition. The different species are: Pyrope, Almandine, Spessartine, grossular varieties of which are Hessonite or Cinnamon-stone and Tsavorite, uvarovite and andradite. The garnets make up two solid solution series: pyrope-almandine-spessartine (pyralspite) and uvarovite-grossular-andradite (ugrandite).

Birthstone: February

Mystic Properties;
Garnet cleanses and energises the chakras, A stone of commitment, Red Garnet represents love. It revitalises feelings and enhances sexuality. This stone is directly connected to the vital life force, your blood flow, the circulation of other fluids throughout the body and the alignment of the spinal column and fluids.